Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lower Trestles

The Nike Pro @ lowers starts this week.  I ventured north today and caught some of the free surf action.




finished rotation by: Kai Barger

Mason Ho

Nat Young

Granger Larsen

Adam Melling

Nat Young

Koa Smith

San Francisco

Went to San Francisco to go see the Bronx, The Hives , and The Refused in concert.  And we got to roam the city...

The best record store

the famous...

Dolores Park

The Bronx

The Hives

The Refused is back!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Miss Indo

Lurkville Demo

S.O.Y. art and photo collective spring 2012--recap

The South Of You art and photo show was held March 31 2012. It was a great success. The artist and photographers really came hard with some dope pieces. I was really stoked on the whole turn out of the show. Here are some flicks from the gig.....
I decided to put my image in a light box for this show.

Kish I

Sean Dorsey

Kevin Ferris ...

Monique Blair

Thomas Maher



DJ Heather Johnson

Silly friends

2 cool kats... Ian & Kish I

Apple Saira and matador

Orange and Park .com

the ladies and I

Kelly Kraus was in the house

good looking humans

homies... Alan and Brandon

good looking humans

Sean "Denim" Dorsey with the ladies

Lovely Ladies

Matador- MC Creech- Pete the cheat

good looking humans

Kevin Ferris -

Mi Familia

the lovely ladies from S.U.P. Coronado

Chris Sal. and Woodie from BLKHRT familia

ST8 Gs

The Ferris Brothers

OG Myke Reyes and I

We also got featured on a TV show that is aired in San Diego called Sound Diego. Here's the link to check it out...!/blogs/sounddiego/This-Is-the-Spot/147190615

Thank You 2... Milo, Chris, Max, Eric, Angie, Ryan, jason, JackO from The Spot Barrio Logan, -the artists-TG, KishI, choosen, Thomas , greg, Nathan, Bre, jeff, Sonia, Ferris Brothers, chris, Eric de la rosa, Julian, orange and park, Sean Dorsey, Monique, Israel, Carlos Beltran(voz alta), dougie mann, apple Saira, Abby, The Korchegas, DJ Jamie Callaway, DJ Heather Johnson, THE LUMPS, Coronado Brewing Co.(Pete Falletta), Emerald City- Marco Perez, Stance Socks, Nixon Watches, Sector Nine skateboards, BLACKHEART clothing, Ian Masaway wine and beer supply, Family,Friends, and last but not Least.... THE HATERS.  THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT!!!!!